Here are twenty eight things. I used to write this with lessons I’d learned but it slowly morphed into just a list of realisations and aspirations over the year.
- Ramen might be the discovery of the year.
- Japanese Fried Chicken comes close.
- Swimming is my meditation.
- I spend way too much attention on researching and buying things I probably don’t need.
- I should declutter more often.
- Meeting new people is difficult outside of work.
- I think I’m a morning person now.
- I’m thankful I don’t have many problems a tea and biscuit can’t solve.
- Excitement and intention outweigh skill when hiring.
- I should throw more dinner parties.
- Don’t just ask for feedback, push for it.
- A well articulated, concise sentence wins arguments.
- A well articulated, concise sandwich wins anything.
- I cannot have enough mentor relationships.
- I need to diversify my view more.
- Pulling a man boob muscle is worse than dislocating your shoulder.
- I want to make more of an effort to join small communities.
- I’m still not exercising enough.
- You can’t win them all, choose where to spend your energy.
- I should make physical things more.
- I always need to read more and exercise more.
- Twenty Eight is the year my wardrobe added colour.
- It’s very easy to step up in one area of your life and let down others.
- I’m happy I got to the stage of liking some music in nearly every genre.
- Peru, Iceland and New York are my travel goals before 30.
- Working hard makes relaxing better.
- I play way too much Overwatch.
- 30 is coming.