Today, I’m twenty-five a quarter of a century old. The death calculator says I’ll live until 85.13 that means I have roughly 71.13% of my life left. Thats a fair bit.

I am very happily married with a cat and a house and professionally I am building my own products and only working on things I love. Its a great stance to be in.

I am very soon going to be launching two of the biggest products I’ve ever worked on and despite a couple of setbacks these are also two of the best products I’ve ever had a hand in creating.

I don’t pretend to have all the wisdom these lists are for me to look back on one day. Perhaps you might enjoy them too.

  • Take more photos
  • Think twice, act once
  • Learn more code, its action not intention
  • I have enough
  • Success is fleeting, find happiness in the mundane
  • TV shows are the new movies
  • Compliment your way out of hating
  • I need to get better at empathy
  • You can’t exercise your way out of bad food choices
  • Ideas are not even step one
  • Reply to every comment, email and tweet
  • I need to socialise more
  • Not everyone thinks like I do, explain better
  • It’s harder to be kind, than clever
  • Time is better than money