First of all, I cannot believe I am 27. I am at the edge of a big life decision. It’s going to be nice to look back on this in the years to come and see what I was thinking. I do these posts yearly so for this year, here are 27 things I have learnt in 27 years (most are things I need to improve on).
- The more I fly the worse I get at recovering. Hat tip to Mitchell.
- If you can be that guy to depend on for friends you feel better yourself.
- You’ll never regret being too kind.
- You can never have too many backups.
- Positivity is one of the hardest things to maintain but the alternative sucks.
- A good barista is an angel sent from the heavens to serve excellent Jesus nectar.
- I need to take better care of myself.
- Things are like features, you can add them all day but getting rid of them is hard.
- I need to learn more. I need to add some JavaScript to my tool belt.
- I love all the smart people around me that teach me things, I need to be more vocal about my thanks.
- I show show fear as excitement sometimes.
- The right time is right now.
- I hate having free time, I like being busy.
- I am a very lucky person but it’s not all luck, some of its hard work.
- I don’t take many things seriously apart from if you hurt me.
- My mother always said only boring people get bored, I finally think I understand her.
- Overthinking kills everything.
- Get up and get on.
- I need to throw away more old gadgets.
- When I’m focused and kind, that day is a good day.
- It’s a small world, every connection and acquaintance can matter later.
- I would love to speak publicly more about design.
- Yoga actually helps my joints no end but only if I keep up with it.
- I need to invest time into turning off.
- I want to teach more.
- I want to go to more niche hobby meet ups.
- 27 is still young.